Full Mouth Reconstruction

Sometimes over the course of a lifetime dental problems may accumulate to the point where it is necessary to revamp the entire dentition. This may be due to abnormal wear of the teeth, biting problems, untreated disease, or missing teeth. Many people who need this degree of dental work tend to shy away from the dentist because of how overwhelming it can be. It can also be challenging to find a dentist that can provide all of the services necessary to rebuild a fully functional and beautiful smile without having to be referred to many different specialists. Our office is a perfect home for patients with these types of needs. Dr. Gause has undergone extensive training in all dental disciplines including implant dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and Invisalign so that he is equipped to treat extensive reconstruction problems. The process begins with a thorough consultation that is focused on understanding what you as a patient desire out of your dental care. Only then will a treatment plan be developed in order to address these concerns. We view our patients as active participants in their care and this allows us to tailor a treatment plan to each patient with consideration to all their needs and how it fits into their life. The road to a new smile always begins with a conversation here!

Examples from actual cases:









Alex Gause DDS

133 E 58th Street,

Suite 1201,

New York, NY 10022

Phone. 917-675-7468

Email. hello@alexgausedds.com